摘要: |
The monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) was petitioned for protection under the federal Endangered Species Act in 2014. The listing decision is pending. This action was triggered by the observation that overwintering populations of the eastern migrating monarchs in central Mexico had declined by 82 percent in the 23 years from 1995 to 2018. This rate of decline is compelling evidence that monarch populations have been reduced to the point where persistence of the migratory phenomenon is endangered. Recent research identified that roadkill mortality occurring on Texas roadways is a major mortality factor associated with both the coastal and central flyways used in migration through Texas to the overwintering sites in Mexico. Migrating monarch become more concentrated as they travel south, amplifying the effects of roadkill on populations. Mortality occurs in hotspots associated with landscape and infrastructure features of Texas roadways. This project's aim is to identify hotspot locations, zones, and regions for monarch roadkill mortality and investigate mitigation actions that could be implemented to reduce monarch/vehicle collisions. To accomplish this goal the Performing Agencies will conduct surveys to identify hotspot locations, correlate hotspot locations with environmental and road infrastructure features, develop maps of roadkill mortality over major Texas highways, and evaluate potential mitigation options. |