摘要: |
Crash data collection and availability has long been very limited, yet is essential to improving safety and efficiency on the Corridor's transportation network. Such data can be used to identify safety hot spots along roadways and reasons for crash occurrences. Results can identify areas which have need of specific safety applications, technologies, programs, practices, enforcement, and other activities. The timely transmission of incident crash data is key to identifying areas and situations particularly prone to incidents and their causes, particularly with respect to commercial vehicles. Frequently, however, this data is not timely received by law enforcement or Departments of Transportation (DOTs) and other entities, and oftentimes the data is a year or more outdated. Additionally, original accident reports are frequently illegible. This project will study current crash reporting systems and procedures in place in the I-95 Corridor, and compare results from states which utilize these systems with those that do not to determine if these systems enable more timely and accurate data provision to law enforcement, DOTs, Division of Motor Vehicles (DMVs), and other entities. |