摘要: |
This proposal is for a program of decision support protocol development and related geographic information system (GIS) computer applications development for strategic compliance with the new transportation and land use planning mandates of California SB 375. SB 375 is a statute designed to help slow global warming (and incidentally to reduce air pollution and urban sprawl) by promoting comprehensive urban development approaches that are expected to reduce passenger miles driven. This mandate, which affects local agencies and metropolitan (regional) planning organizations (MPOs), requires far more integration of land use planning with transportation planning, and far more geospatial analysis than was previously necessary. The protocol and tools developed under terms of this proposed grant would have stand-alone value as innovative planning tools and methodologies, and their use could and should be promoted to advantage through ordinary dissemination means. But they are ideally envisioned as the central innovation in a larger package of SB375-related education, outreach and technical assistance services to local and regional agencies. Such a package would require additional funding as well as program efforts beyond the scope of this twelve month proposal. The project will benefit significantly from the GIS and regional research capabilities resident at Cal Poly Pomona. In particular, deliverables will include two products that capitalize on these opportunities. The first is a symposium session and/or possible cosponsored event on GIS tools for SB375 compliance, sponsored by the Center for the Study of the Inland Empire and targeted to the region's planning professionals and policy makers. The second is a featured content channel on the Regional Research Portal, a web-based geospatial metadata portal currently under construction at the Cal Poly Pomona Center for GIS Research. Accordingly, an important secondary goal of the project is to build lasting links between transportation and planning agencies and professionals in the region and the University's GIS faculty, staff and resources. |