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原文传递 Ghana : The Village Infrastructure Project
题名: Ghana : The Village Infrastructure Project
责任者: World Bank
关键词: Urban Development;Urban Services to the Poor;Water Supply and Sanitation;Water Supply and Sanitation Governance and Institutions;Communities and Human Settlements;Urban Slums Upgrading;Poverty Reduction;Rural Poverty Reduction;Transport Economics Policy and Planning;Transport
学科分类: 交通运输规划与管理
摘要: The project, with an IDA credit of US$30 million, and a total of $60 million was implemented by the government between 1998 and 2004. It was jointly financed by KFW $7m; IFAD, $10; GoG $7.1m; District Assemblies $3.0m and beneficiaries $2.9m. Its main objective was to support the government's efforts to reduce poverty and enhance the quality of life of the rural poor through the increased transfer of technical and financial resources for the development of basic village-level infrastructure that could be maintained by the beneficiaries. It also supported the capacity building of District Assemblies to better plan and manage these investments. The project had 4 components: (i) Rural water infrastructure; (ii) Rural transport infrastructure; (iii) Rural post-harvest infrastructure; and (iv) Institutional strengthening.
出版机构: World Bank
报告类型: 咨询报告
详细地址: http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/2006/09/7154161/ghana-village-infrastructure-project
资源类型: 科技(咨询、行业)报告
初始创建时间: 2006-09
最新修改时间: 2017-12-13T14:11:48Z