摘要: |
An off-line emulation tool, entitled REALTRAN (REAL-time TRANsyt), which can emulate the SCOOT version 2.2 signal optimization logic, has been developed. REALTRAN was derived from the TRANSYT-7F model (TRANSYT version 7F) by introduction of various constraints into the optimization logic of TRANSYT-7F. These constraints allow the user to select optimization parameters that enable REALTRAN to operate in a fashion similar to that of the original SCOOT signal optimizer logic. The REALTIME model is currently intended to serve as an educational tool but can, in the future, serve as a tool for fine tuning the operation of the real-time controls of the SCOOT system in a laboratory environment, where scientific and statistically valid testing and sensitivity analyses of the signal optimization algorithms can be performed. Alternatively, REALTRAN can be utilized to estimate off-line the expected benefits of SCOOT by use of location-specific network and flow data. |