摘要: |
This paper describes the development of a geographical information system for transportation (GIS-T) intelligent transportation systems (ITS) network for the 23-county metropolitan region of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. The network was developed as part of a regionwide ITS implementation strategy study. The goal of the study was to design a regional ITS "architecture", a framework for an integrated and multimodal transportation network. The GIS network was developed as a tool to identify critical transit and roadway corridors within the region that can benefit from ITS technology and strategies, and to define and prioritize projects for near-, mid-, and long-term implementation and/or expansion of ITS in these corridors. When built on TransCAD, the GIS-T can perform numerous analyses of the data to identify corridors of recurring and nonrecurring congestion that warrant deployment of ITS. The accuracy of these projections is limited by the static nature and highly variable quality of existing data. As new data are generated, they can be entered onto spreadsheets keyed to the GIS for easy updating of the GIS. Additional layers can be added to the regional GIS, such as local streets, census data, and scheduled construction projects, to assist in evaluating and coordinating proposed ITS measures and transportation plans. Ultimately, the addition of ITS-generated real-time travel data would enable the GIS-T to serve traffic operations centers as the basis for transportation management and traveler information services. |