摘要: |
In October 22-24, 2000, 59 leaders from consulting engineering firms, Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) and the Department of Administration gathered in Minneapolis, Minnesota to participate in a workshop to address their fundamental working relationships and the processes related to the consultant program. The workshop was convened by the University of Minnesota's Center for Transportation Studies and sponsored by Mn/DOT and the Consulting Engineers Council of Minnesota. The workshop objective was to discover new ways for Mn/DOT and the consulting industry to expedite the delivery of transportation projects that benefit the public. Leaders in the private and public sector, seeking to address the challenges of the future with fresh approaches and new thinking, met to: Understand the central role of the Consultant Program in the "Big Plan"; Analyze the problems facing government and private users of the Consultant Program; Examine the best practices in Consultant Programs from other state DOTs and lessons they may hold for Minnesota; Develop a blueprint to make the Consultant Program "better-faster-cheaper" and more satisfying to work in. Four groups of Mn/DOT stakeholders, two groups of consulting firms and an administration group were formed to identify issues and challenges in the "as is" consulting process from their perspectives. The major issues and challenges were recorded and reported to the larger workshop. After presentation by other state DOTs on best practices, the group created stretch goals for the consultant program. The next steps in bringing improvement ideas to strengthen the consultant program into action include: Preparation of the Final Workshop Report to be mailed to each participant within three weeks; and A Steering Committee meeting immediately following the workshop to identify goals and dates for the next steps. |