原文传递 Port of Zeebrugge -Breeding habitat for terns
题名: Port of Zeebrugge -Breeding habitat for terns
作者: ir. Luc VAN DAMME; ir. Bart VERBOOMEN; Eric W. M. STIENEN
关键词: Port; Zeebrugge -Breeding habitat; terns
摘要: During the 80’s the new outer harbour of Zeebrugge was constructed on the Belgian Coast. Two main breakwaters of 4,5 km have been built. The hydraulic reclaimed area between the breakwaters was a very attractive zone for coastal nesters. The most interesting birds were terns. The harbour of Zeebrugge became the only breeding area for terns in Belgium. This has also an international importance as the terns are 3,3% of the West-European population. Because of the construction of quaywalls and terminals in the outer harbour the reclaimed area is changing and the existing breeding habitat is systematically disappearing. As a compensating measurement for this important environmental value the authorities decided to construct a new breeding habitat in the surroundings of the eastern part of the harbour. The habitat should fit the following demands: isolated position, within flying distance of foraging range, absence of land predators, absence of large numbers of haring gulls, absence of human interaction. Regarding the existing layout of the harbour, the following recommendations were taken into account: minimal surface between 5 to 10ha, compact form, sandy surface with shells in the tidal zone, flooding impossible in summer conditions. After a first confrontation with the hydrodynamic conditions, currents and wave climate, in the proposed area of the harbour four locations were selected. For each alternative a technical concept was worked out taking into account the ecological and hydrodynamic boundaries. Finally a cost estimation was established for the different solutions taking into account the maintenance costs.
总页数: Proceedings of the 30th PIANC-AIPCN Congress. Sydney Australia. 22-26 Sept. 2002. pp12
报告类型: 科技报告