作者: Olli HOLM M.Sc. (Civ. eng)
摘要: Lake Saimaa is connected to the Gulf of via the Saimaa Canal. Half of the Saimaa Canal area is on the Russian territory and Finland has leased the area until year 2013. The Ministry of Transport and Communications appointed on the 7th of December in 1998 a working group to carry out extensive basic studies of the canal alternatives. The task of this working group was to evaluate the construction costs influences and realisation possibilities of the enlargement of the Saimaa Canal as well as other canalization alternatives. The aim of the study was to produce sufficient data for the political decision making process concerning the inland waterways strategy. During the study following partial studies were prepared: - The preliminary general plans of the enlargement of the Saimaa Canal and the construction of the Mantyharju and Kymijoki Canals - The qualifications for the year-round navigation in the Saimaa canal and the planned Mantyharju and Kymijoki Canals - The possibilities for the use of heat in ice-control on the Saimaa Canal and the Mantyharju Canal - The Bay of Vyborg, winter navigation study - The canalization projects, strategic environmental impact study - The canalization projects and regional development - The feasibility study of the canal alternatives. The conclusions of the study were: - All alternatives are technically realisable - All alternatives are non-profitable in a socioeconomic point of view. However, the converting of the present Saimaa Canal to a year-round navigation is very sensitive to changes in transport costs. - The year-round navigation could gain significant savings for the industry in the transport costs and improve the competitiveness of the inland waterway transport - The political decision on the canal solutions should be made as soon as possible, since the uncertainty in the future of the Saimaa Canal and the future dues of the traffic hamper the logistic planning of the industry and reduces the competitiveness of the inland waterway transport - The present level of funding for the primary repairs of canals and the recondition of fairways is too low to meet the long-term demands of continuity, economics and safety. The annual need for additional financing is 0.7 - 0.8 MEURO. On the basis of the results of the working groups the Finnish Maritime Administration made field tests to verify the theoretical calculations of the required additional heat flow needed to control the ice situation in canals. The results of the field tests gave the desired support to the calculations and since then a preliminary general plan of the pipeline delivering warm water was prepared. The aim of the year-round navigation and additional studies needed to achieve it are both mentioned as the aims in the development program of coastal and inland waterways for the next 10 years. The possible year-round navigation in the future is the main result of the extensive studies described here before. Finland is also preparing for the negotiations of a new Saimaa Canal lease. The new lease will hopefully reduce the problems that the uncertainty in Russia keeps bringing about and secure the development of the inland navigation in Finland.
总页数: Proceedings of the 30th PIANC-AIPCN Congress. Sydney Australia. 22-26 Sept. 2002. pp12
报告类型: 科技报告