作者: Nagarajan-Anu; Underwood-Steven-E
关键词: automobile-navigation-systems; marketing-; route-guidance
摘要: The paper first compares the market for route guidance products across the globe and then suggests a method for estimating the US market for Route Guidance products through the use of analogues. The demand for route guidance products in Japan has been prolific and most Japanese OEM are already offering second and third generation improvements to their original products. The after-market in Japan has also been experiencing significant growth. The introduction of the VICS system with real time traffic information has led to the development of dynamic route guidance products too. The Pacific Rim presents a significant market opportunity for route guidance systems. The focus of all major OEMs of the world in the last five years has been on the penetration of the Pacific Rim markets, especially India and China. The growth in terms of vehicle sales is likely to be the largest in this region. Route guidance products may well be popular if technological advances make the products more affordable. The European market for route guidance has also been experiencing some growth though not at the same pace as the Japanese market. Country and cultural differences exaggerate existing technological differences. Consequently, route guidance products along different technological trajectories have been introduced. While route guidance has been offered primarily as an OEM option, the after market is expected to become strong within the next decade. The US market has lagged in the introduction of route guidance products. While the lack of standards and infrastructure support have been cited as the reasons for this lag, a significant contributor to the delay could be the lack of focus among the many stakeholders. The differences in customer segments in a country as vast and varied as the US make it difficult to produce one standardized route guidance product that satisfies diverse customer needs. Explanations not withstanding, there is a need to actively encourage the introduction and diffusion of route guidance products in the US in order to maintain American competitiveness and technological leadership in the global economy. The second section of the paper uses the compact disc player as an analogue to estimate the US market. Trend analysis and other traditional statistical techniques for estimating a product's market potential are made impractical because of the lack of historical sales figures and the general environment of uncertainty. Analogues of comparable products in similar environments provide useful alternatives for estimating the market potential for a product in an emerging industry. Market penetration data for the CD player as a customer option is analyzed from 1989 to 1996.
总页数: ITS America. Meeting (8th : 1998 : Detroit, Mich.). Transportation technology for tomorrow : conference proceedings. 1998. pp8
报告类型: 科技报告