原文传递 Mycorrhizal/Plant Factors Involved in Roadside Reclamation; Final Report, 1997-2000
题名: Mycorrhizal/Plant Factors Involved in Roadside Reclamation; Final Report, 1997-2000
作者: Charvat, I.; Tallaksen, J.; White, J.; Agwa, H.; Raley, M.
关键词: Grasslands; Rehabilitation; Roadside maintenance; Revegetation; Soils; Soil fertility; Monitorinig; Nutrients
摘要: The main goal of this research was to study mycorrhizal and plant factors involved in roadside restoration. The author's objectives included assessing the properties of mychorrhizal inocula and soil additives for their immediate and long term effects at roadside restoration sites following construction and in potted greenhouse trials. In addition, the mycorrhizal diversity of remnant prairies and methods of mychorrhizal inocula production using the fungal species from these remnant sites were assessed. Finally, a study was initiated to examine alternative maintenance techniques for roadside prairies.
总页数: 144p
报告类型: 科技报告