摘要: |
A MASTER JEWELER WILL TELL YOU THAT THE TENSILE strength of a chain is no simple calculus, depending on factors as diverse as the wire size, cross-section, link style, metal used and load carried. Much the same, a supply chain is a complex, inter-woven lifeline that pulls a company forward with many moving parts-any of which can fail under multiple strains and pressures.It's no longer a question of how crucial the supply chain is to the fate of companies. The disruption caused by the pandemic amounted to the ultimate stress test, something confirmed by 81% of supply chain and logistics leaders in our research.The pandemic put chief supply chain officers (CSCOs) in the vanguard of change and has empowered them to redefine resiliency and lead transformation in a responsible and sustainable way. It's hardly surprising that nearly half of executives across the C-suite today see CSCOs as enablers and drivers of growth.The former vision of the supply chain as a linear flow of goods and services has been replaced by the reality that it is a highly integrated network of systems, dependent on real-time visibility. And supply chain and logistics leaders now need to redesign their functions for a digital-powered, data-driven and sustainable future. |