摘要: |
Last March, the UK entered the first national lockdown. Since then, concerns regarding mental health have grown hugely and this is also true of the highways sector. For some, lockdown meant working from home and feelings of isolation were amplified. Many others were redeployed on the frontline, with higher levels of concern about working with colleagues on the road network because of fears of contracting COVID-19. At the start of the lockdown, the Government was clear that it wanted the construction industry, including highways teams, to continue with a 'business as usual' approach as much as possible. However, those working on the road network were not always perceived by the public as key workers and some suffered verbal and sometimes physical abuse. This public confusion was not helped by an initial lack of clarification about key worker status for highways personnel. In many instances, staff and their families questioned the need to continue their work due to concern about the perceived heightened chances of contracting COVID-19 through mixing with the general public or working in close proximity with their colleagues. This also generated increased anxiety among highways workers. At the same time, senior leaders of many of ADEPT's corporate partners were being contacted directly by those most impacted. They had to juggle with the dilemma of keeping things going and exposing personnel to potentially greater risk, or shutting operations down - putting their businesses and thus their personnel's livelihoods at risk. |