题名: |
EPANET Users Manual (Version 1.1), January 1994. |
作者: |
rossman, l. a. |
关键词: |
computer software, models-simulation, water pipes, water tanks, water flow, hydraulics, water pressure, water quality, users manuals, potable water, water sources |
摘要: |
EPANET is a computer program that performs extended period simulation of hydraulic and water quality behavior within drinking water distribution systems. It tracks the flow of water in each pipe, the pressure at each pipe junction, the height of water in each storage tank, and the concentration of a substance throughout a distribution system during a multi-time period simulation. In addition to substance concentrations, water age and source tracing can also be performed. The water quality module of EPANET is equipped to model such phenomena as reactions within the bulk flow, reactions at the pipe wall, and mass transport between the bulk flow and the pipe wall. This manual describes how to use the EPANET program on a personal computer under both DOS and Microsoft Windows. Under Windows the user is able to edit EPANET input files, run a simulation, display the results on a color coded map of the distribution system and generate additional tabular and graphical views of these results. / Availability Note: Product reproduced from digital image. Order this product from NTIS by: phone at 1-800-553-NTIS (U.S. customers); (703)605-6000 (other countries); fax at (703)605-6900; and email at orders@ntis.gov. NTIS is located at 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA, 22161, USA. |
总页数: |
u0713;122p |
报告类型: |
科技报告 |