原文传递 Stormwater Best Management Practice Design Guide. Volume Three. Basin Best Management Practices.
题名: Stormwater Best Management Practice Design Guide. Volume Three. Basin Best Management Practices.
作者: clar, m. l. barfield, b. j. o'connor, t. p.
关键词: water resources, basins, ponds, design criteria
摘要: This manual provides design guidelines for a group of stormwater management (SWM) best management practices (BMPs) broadly referred to as basin or pond BMPs. Basin BMPs are the mainstay of stormwater management. Water resources engineers have designed small and large ponds for many years for a wide rage of applications, including farm ponds, recreational ponds, water supply reservoirs, flood control reservoirs, infiltration basins and multiple use reservoirs. Our collective knowledge of basins or ponds, their design, construction, operation and maintenance is extensive. However, their use for environmental protection purposes including stream channel protection, water quality treatment and protection of receiving waters is a recent development, and in many instances requires reassessing the traditional applications of pond design techniques to meet these new objectives. This volume provides this type of assessment and guidance related to the design of pond BMPs for environmental protection purposes. Pond BMP types are grouped into three categories: 1) dry detention basins including extended detention basins, 2) wet basins including both retention ponds and wetland ponds, and 3) infiltration basins. This volume provides specific design criteria for stormwater treatment by these types of BMPs along with generalized construction, and operation and maintenance guidance. / Supplementary Notes: Sponsored by Environmental Protection Agency, Edison, NJ. Urban Watershed Research Facility. / Availability Note: Product reproduced from digital image. Order this product from NTIS by: phone at 1-800-553-NTIS (U.S. customers); (703)605-6000 (other countries); fax at (703)605-6900; and email at orders@ntis.gov. NTIS is located at 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA, 22161, USA.
总页数: u0714;14p
报告类型: 科技报告