摘要: |
CENTRAL FLORIDA CONJURES several images in the mind's eye -a family vacation, a convention, a specific mouse - but for those in the transit industry, it's the brightly colored buses, affectionately referred to as the Skittles fleet, that may come to the forefront. These buses represent a segment of the service options provided by the Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority (LYNX), but they also provide a metaphor that public transport is a vibrant part of the region. "LYNX has been a three-county agency serving Orange, Sem-inole and Osceola counties since Jim Harrison. "This region is one of the fastest growing areas in the nation. We're well over two million residents now and we serve a 2,500-square-mile area. When you consider our annual visitor population, that increases the population count significantly. More than 50 percent of our rid-ership occurs on routes serving the major tourist destinations like Disney and Universal, as well as others in the area." |