Renewable Energy Generation within MDT Right of Way (ROW)
项目名称: Renewable Energy Generation within MDT Right of Way (ROW)
摘要: Montana is a large state with large potential for the development of renewable energy. The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) owns significant land in its right of way (ROW) and should develop a process to develop renewable energy within the ROW and analyze energy efficiency in MDT buildings. MDT has an obligation to the taxpayers to make responsible choices in the investment of resources. A financial analysis of any renewable system is necessary prior to installation. This research project would complete financial analysis of variable renewable energy generation components, as wells as costs for installation and O&M, and a comparison of generated output to grid electrical costs. The research would identify ROW that may have close proximity to the electrical grid that has good solar and wind exposure. The ROW may have lack of competing development efforts for the property, good access, and sufficient land area that could be utilized for renewable energy generation. Proper candidates could include interchanges, rest areas, MDT Maintenance Facilities, and other large tracks of open ROW land that are unshaded, have good wind exposure, and have easy access. Implementing renewable projects can reduce agency operational costs, and those cost reductions can be allocated to other essential agency activities. There are tangible economic benefits associated with renewable resources. Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels are an efficient source of energy. The PV systems contain no moving parts, are silent, very durable and reliable, and are low maintenance. Wind turbines are increasingly common. Heat pumps are becoming more efficient in cold temperature environments. This research will consider where there are constitutional limitations if energy project generates income to the department, and will include updated guidelines from FHWA and what it allows in the national highway system ROW. The proposed study includes the following: (1) Utilization of geographic information system (GIS) capabilities, MDT will evaluate the renewable energy potential for ROW, rest areas, and facility buildings. MDT will identify areas of ROW, Rest Areas, and Maintenance buildings with highest renewable energy generation potential. (2) MDT will conduct a financial analysis of developing renewable energy systems utilizing the top candidates determined in the first step. The financial analysis will contain variable components, including material and installation costs, O&M costs, and output compared to grid electrical costs. Implementation of solar projects can reduce agency operational costs, and those cost reductions can be allocated to other essential agency activities. (3) If financial analysis indicates that renewable energy production is cost effective, develop an MDT guidance for implementation of PV projects within MDT ROW. As net-metered systems are likely the simplest system, communicate with facilities regarding pilot installations of PV systems with net metering on Rest Area and maintenance facilities that were identified as an acceptable candidate.
状态: Proposed
资助组织: Montana Department of Transportation
管理组织: Montana Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Callejas, Vaneza
开始时间: 20221001
主题领域: Economics;Energy;Highways