RES2023-21: Investigation Into Towing Regulation in Tennessee
项目名称: RES2023-21: Investigation Into Towing Regulation in Tennessee
摘要: According to Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) Incident Management, 25% of the congestion is caused by traffic incidents. It is hypothesized that because of the long duration of disabled and abandoned vehicle incidents on freeways, secondary crashes are generated. The longer the disabled or abandoned vehicle along the highways before towing, the higher the likelihood of secondary collisions or other safety related incidents to be generated. Connected to towing regulations, for the past few years, incidents on Tennessee freeways have been dominated by disabled or abandoned vehicles, most of them which needed to be towed. Incident data have showed that disabled and abandoned vehicle incidents increase substantially at 7% per year. This study therefore will quantify the effects on clearance times in TN if innovative towing regulations were to be enacted. It is understood that updating towing regulations can be controversial, and Tennessee-specific data are needed to quantify any positive effects on clearance time
状态: Active
资金: 155000
资助组织: Tennessee Department of Transportation
管理组织: Tennessee Department of Transportation
执行机构: Tennessee State University
主要研究人员: Chimba, Deo
开始时间: 20220801
预计完成日期: 20240131
主题领域: Highways;Law;Operations and Traffic Management