RES2023-09: Evaluating Transit Accessibility to Food, Education, Recreation, and Other Essential Services in Tennessee
项目名称: RES2023-09: Evaluating Transit Accessibility to Food, Education, Recreation, and Other Essential Services in Tennessee
摘要: Disadvantaged populations, particularly low-income populations, often rely on public transit for their transportation needs. Numerous prior studies have evaluated transit accessibility to job opportunities, particularly for low-wage workers. Although providing access to jobs is an important function of public transit, other travelers use transit to get to grocery stores, healthcare facilities, schools, or outdoor recreational areas, which are not typically considered in transit accessibility analyses. These critical destinations are essential for independence, health, and quality of life. Research is needed to evaluate the transit accessibility to food, healthcare, education, recreation, and other essential services for low-income populations in Tennessee in helping to better determine the value of transit for riders.
状态: Active
资金: 150000
资助组织: Tennessee Department of Transportation
管理组织: Tennessee Department of Transportation
执行机构: University of Tennessee, Knoxville
主要研究人员: Brakewood, Candace
开始时间: 20220801
预计完成日期: 20240731
主题领域: Public Transportation;Society