Analysis of Impacts of Pavement Quality Deterioration on Recurring Traffic Congestion (Project M6)
项目名称: Analysis of Impacts of Pavement Quality Deterioration on Recurring Traffic Congestion (Project M6)
摘要: The US has an extensive road network encompassing 4.2 million miles with 220,000 miles of high-volume corridors. Studies confirm that surface deficiencies of transportation infrastructure cause non-recurrent congestion as they are a contributing factor to 1/3 of all severe traffic crashes in the US. It is argued that poor pavement conditions are also linked to recurrent congestion, when drivers adjust their driving behaviors abruptly to avoid pavement cracks and other infrastructure deficiencies. However, those links are not documented in detail in the literature. Using Google Street View images and machine learning algorithms to assess pavement quality and the National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS) for congestion monitoring, this project will attempt to quantify the extent to which pavement quality deterioration has an impact on traffic congestion in urban settings. The goal is to provide insight on the links between pavement quality and traffic operations and showcase the feasibility and value of an integrated traffic data and pavement quality management approach for monitoring traffic and infrastructure performance.
状态: Active
资金: $85,000
资助组织: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
管理组织: Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development and Education Center (STRIDE)
项目负责人: Tucker-Thomas, Dawn
执行机构: University of Alabama, Birmingham
主要研究人员: Sherif, Muhammad M
开始时间: 20220302
预计完成日期: 20230531
主题领域: Highways;Operations and Traffic Management;Pavements