Factors Impacting Mode Share Changes in California
项目名称: Factors Impacting Mode Share Changes in California
摘要: This study explores factors contributing to the decrease in biking and walking in California over the period from 2012 to 2017, as observed in comparisons of the most recent California Household Travel Survey (CHTS) and the California add-on sample of the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS), respectively. Previous analysis conducted for Caltrans shows that these changes likely represent real shifts in the use of active travel modes; the observed changes cannot be attributed to methodological differences in the survey and data processing on its own. The changes can be attributed to changes attributed therefore to other, real factors. This study will consider these factors and investigate their impact on the change in mode shares from the 2012 CHTS to the 2017 CHTS through descriptive analysis as well as statistical models. The researchers will explore a number of mode share outcomes in this analysis. These include the share of trips made by walking and biking, the share of commuters who use walk or bike as their usual mode to work or school, and those survey participants who have biked or walked at all in the past week. Each of these measures of mode use highlights different aspects of travel that should be considered with respect to walking and biking targets and strategies.
状态: Active
资金: 34184
资助组织: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology;National Center for Sustainable Transportation;California Department of Transportation
管理组织: National Center for Sustainable Transportation<==>University of California, Davis
项目负责人: Iacobucci, Lauren
执行机构: National Center for Sustainable Transportation<==>University of California, Davis
主要研究人员: Pike, Susan;Handy, Susan
开始时间: 20220101
预计完成日期: 20221231
主题领域: Pedestrians and Bicyclists;Planning and Forecasting