Coarse Aggregate Deterioration in Granular Surfaces and Shoulders TR-769
项目名称: Coarse Aggregate Deterioration in Granular Surfaces and Shoulders TR-769
摘要: The objective of the proposed research is to characterize the microstructural changes in coarse aggregate (CA) as it is exposed to weathering in granular surfaces and shoulders on Iowa roads. The research team will assess this though both petrophysical testing and petrographic inspection to identify the chemical (e.g., dissolution of primary minerals, precipitation of secondary minerals) and physical weathering processes (e.g., abrasion and freeze-thaw cycles) responsible for CA deterioration. The team will assess how current Iowa DOT grading for concrete stone CA (e.g., Iowa Pore Index test) predicts performance of CA used in granular surfaces and shoulders. The ultimate outcome of the proposed research will be a set of guidelines to better predict the performance of CA used in granular surfaces and shoulders. This project will continue collaborative research between geologists and engineers at Iowa State University, the Iowa Department of Transportation, and Iowa county governments towards developing a better understanding of CA quality.
状态: Active
资金: 262470
资助组织: Iowa Department of Transportation
管理组织: Iowa State University, Ames
项目负责人: Goetz, Vanessa
主要研究人员: Cetin, Bora
开始时间: 20181215
预计完成日期: 20201130
实际结束时间: 0