Implementation of Unmanned Aerial System-Based (UAS) Digital Photogrammetry for Design, Risk Analysis, and Hazard Mitigation of Rock Slopes
项目名称: Implementation of Unmanned Aerial System-Based (UAS) Digital Photogrammetry for Design, Risk Analysis, and Hazard Mitigation of Rock Slopes
摘要: Explore unmanned aerial systems (UAS), using digital photogrammetry and point-cloud data analysis software, as a tool to provide rock slope design and rock slope remediation recommendations of a quality comparable to existing traditional and ground-based methods. This research would complement current research designed to test the use of emerging technologies for collecting geologic and spatial data related to rock slope investigations, remediation and slope hazard inventories. Applications will include rapid collection of data used in Rockfall Hazard Rating Systems for both the preliminary rating and the detailed rating of rock slopes.
状态: Active
资金: 161421
资助组织: Virginia Transportation Research Council
管理组织: Virginia Transportation Research Council
项目负责人: Hoppe, Edward J
执行机构: Radford University
主要研究人员: Watts, Skip
开始时间: 20180924
预计完成日期: 20200331
实际结束时间: 0