Technology Exchange on Low Volume Road Design, Construction and Maintenance
项目名称: Technology Exchange on Low Volume Road Design, Construction and Maintenance
摘要: The primary activities of this pooled fund project are technology exchange, information sharing, and the facilitation of partnering relationships among state agencies and participating members with FHWA, Local Public Agencies and other appropriate agencies and associations. Technology exchange activities in conjunction with the 12th International Conference on Low Volume Roads will be advantageous to participating members. Specifically, this pooled fund will: 1. Provide communication and information sharing among member participants: Discuss research, development and technology transfer needs in the areas of design, construction, maintenance, and safety on low volume roads and provide research ideas to the Transportation Research Board (TRB) in the areas of Low Volume Roads. 2. Member workshop at the 12th International Conference on Low Volume Roads: Provide a technology and knowledge exchange forum to enhance the practical knowledge of pooled fund participants concerning low volume road management with a focus on encouraging State DOT and other agency participation in the pooled fund. 3. Pooled Fund Member Meeting on Low Volume Road Issues: Provide a technology and knowledge exchange forum focused on Low Volume Road issues. Topics may include agency collaboration, funding, asset management, shared right of way (ROW)/utilities, safety programs, emergency response, training and certifications, maintenance of traffic, federal oversight, standards and specifications, contracting methods, environmental issues, energy development, maintenance, material sources and quality, and bonding. 4. Technology Transfer through paper publication and webinars on topics selected by pooled fund member in areas of Low Volume Road Design and Management.
状态: Active
资金: 102550
资助组织: Kansas Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Clute, Khyle
执行机构: National Academy of Sciences
开始时间: 20180913
预计完成日期: 20210331
实际结束时间: 20201231