Investigation on Water Quality Impacts of Bridge Stormwater Runoff from Scupper Drains on Receiving Waters
项目名称: Investigation on Water Quality Impacts of Bridge Stormwater Runoff from Scupper Drains on Receiving Waters
摘要: The three (3) specific objectives are proposed in the project as follows: (1) Field Work: To select Six (6) Bridge Sites, set up on-site sampling equipment including autosamplers and rain gage, etc., and obtain water samples of bridge stormwater runoff directly from scupper drains and instream water upstream and downstream of the bridges; (2) Lab Work: To identify the water quality parameters needed to be tested, test them using scientifically accepted methods in PI�s Water and Environment Research Lab (WERL) at Georgia Southern University (GSU), analyze the results and have a better understanding of scupper drain impacts on receiving water quality; and (3) Development of Simulation Tool: To apply SELDM with the test results on water quality obtained from the project and check if SELDM would be an effective simulation tool for evaluating the water quality impacts of the scupper drains on receiving waters.
状态: Active
资金: 300000
资助组织: Georgia Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Roney, Brennan
执行机构: Georgia Southern University Research & Service Foundation
主要研究人员: Fu, George
开始时间: 20180907
预计完成日期: 20200907
实际结束时间: 0