Laboratory Performance Evaluation of Pavement Preservation Alternatives
项目名称: Laboratory Performance Evaluation of Pavement Preservation Alternatives
摘要: The overall goal of this study is to determine the most optimal time at which pavement preservation treatments can be applied using full-scale accelerated pavement testing and performance evaluations. This study will also focus on developing cost-effective and efficient methods through which roadways can be preserved in New Jersey. To accomplish this goal, the specific project objectives are to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of laboratory performance of different pavement alternatives. The laboratory test results will provide insight into the material behavior of different pavement preservation techniques. The results of these tests will lead to conducting a pilot project at CREATEs with testing in the Heavy Vehicle Simulator. In addition, these results will be valuable to early adopters, such as, state agencies of New Jersey and Rhode Island, and Metropolitan Organizations (DRPA), manufacturers (Asphalt Paving Systems).
状态: Active
资金: 190000
资助组织: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
管理组织: New Jersey Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Szary, Patrick J
执行机构: Rowan University
主要研究人员: Ali, Ayman
开始时间: 20180901
预计完成日期: 20190331
实际结束时间: 0