Develop New Methods to use ODOT Weigh-in-Motion Data for Predicting Freight Flow and/or Commodity Patterns
项目名称: Develop New Methods to use ODOT Weigh-in-Motion Data for Predicting Freight Flow and/or Commodity Patterns
摘要: The objective of this research is to evaluate weigh-in-motion (WIM) data for use by Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) for short-term and long-term highway investment prioritization and the tools and methods used to conduct freight analysis. This research will recommend methods of using the data to produce information, i.e. dashboards, related to heavy truck patterns, ultimately leading to improved analytical tools and methods based on current and emerging patterns of truck movement. The research will also identify and evaluate other data sources (both public and private) with the potential to enhance the information generated using WIM data, such as truck speed data, automatic traffic recorders and commodity flow data. This study will produce an inventory of potential data sources available to ODOT, identifying the pros and cons associated with each and gaging the usefulness to meet the needs of freight mobility.
状态: Active
资金: 34500
资助组织: Federal Highway Administration
管理组织: Oregon Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Knudson, Anthony
执行机构: Oregon State University, Corvallis
主要研究人员: Unnikrishnan, Avinash
开始时间: 20180901
预计完成日期: 20200630
实际结束时间: 0