Evaluation of Lateral Pile Resistance Near MSE Walls at a Dedicated Wall Site - Phase 2
项目名称: Evaluation of Lateral Pile Resistance Near MSE Walls at a Dedicated Wall Site - Phase 2
摘要: The Phase 1 study included construction of a dedicated mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall site in Utah with instrumented piles behind the 20-ft high wall. This wall site will be reused for the Phase 2 testing. Funded tasks for this Phase 2 study include: 1. Excavate the top 6 ft of the soil backfill behind the existing MSE wall. 2. Instrument MSE reinforcements and piles with strain gauges. 3. Re-compact the top 6 ft of the soil backfill behind the existing MSE wall. 4. Conduct cyclic lateral pile load testing. 5. Conduct fixed-head lateral pile load testing. 6. Conduct lateral pile load testing of larger-diameter piles (24-inch diameter), to be newly placed between cut-off existing piles. 7. Conduct lateral pile load testing of a pile group. 8. Develop p-multipliers for Phase 2 lateral pile load testing results, compare these with the Phase 1 results, and update the overall p-multiplier equation as necessary. 9. Develop tensile force equations for Phase 2 lateral pile load testing results, compare these with the Phase 1 results, and update the overall tensile force equations as necessary. 10. Submit a final report that documents the Phase 2 research effort. 11. Report results to TAC committee members in video conferences. 12. Make presentations at American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) bridge engineers� committee meetings and Transportation Research Board (TRB) events to aid in national efforts to implement the study results.
状态: Active
资金: 240000
资助组织: Florida Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Stevens, David
执行机构: Brigham Young University
主要研究人员: Rollins, Kyle
开始时间: 20180820
预计完成日期: 20200530
实际结束时间: 20200930