Measurement and Modeling of Broadband Millimeter-Wave Signal Propagation Between Intelligent Vehicles
项目名称: Measurement and Modeling of Broadband Millimeter-Wave Signal Propagation Between Intelligent Vehicles
摘要: Data communication links are essential components of the ecosystem of intelligent vehicles. While the current low-rate standard (IEEE 802.11p - WAVE) is starting deployment in 2018, research is being initiated for the next generation standard. The driving force of these developments is a better awareness of the wider surroundings of a car, based on sharing of raw sensing data, and thus significantly improved data fusion. In order to enable the required, much higher, data rates for such applications, mm-wave frequency bands will be used, since only those offer sufficient available bandwidth. A prerequisite for the development of mm-wave V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle) communications systems is the measurement and modeling of the corresponding propagation channel. Current measurements of mmwave V2V channels suffer from a number of severe decencies, including: (i) no angular information about the signals; this information will be necessary to design and evaluate phased-array antennas that are an essential part of mm-wave systems, (ii) measurements existing in only a small subset of interesting environments, (iii) the current models do not allow easy incorporation of the channel dynamics, which are essential for the design of transmission protocols, redundancy methods, and performance assessment. The proposed project will remedy all those problems. The main output will be a large set of measurements and a channel model derived from them. The models will be made available to other US researchers, in particular to designers of V2V communications systems, an area that is of vital interest for the intelligent vehicle community.
状态: Active
资金: $100,000.00
资助组织: Department of Transportation
管理组织: METRANS Transportation Center
项目负责人: Soriano, Katrina
执行机构: University of Southern California, Los Angeles
主要研究人员: Molisch, Andreas
开始时间: 20180815
预计完成日期: 20200930
实际结束时间: 0