摘要: |
Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) like Uber and Lyft, provide a transportation option that offers a higher level of availability, reliability, and convenience than traditional taxi and transit services. However, there are widespread concerns about their impacts on urban congestion and their threat to public transit and taxi services. Recent news articles and studies affirmed those concerns that are magnified even further by the current controversy in policy and legislation as to the regulation of TNCs. Despite these concerns, the limited number of case studies that have attempted such integration such as the Los Angeles, CA one reported benefits from integrating TNCs and transit and motivate further research and investigation of formalizing such integration. This study will develop a methodological framework that structures methods and processes pertinent to transportation systems components that would enable and facilitate the integration of TNCs into transit as a feeder system and as a means to fill-in existing gaps in transit service. A simulation model will be developed to assess the mobility benefits of adopting the sought framework in terms of vehicle miles traveled (VMT), travel times, and network demand. The study will document available and novel methods and business models for multimodal integration; bridge existing gaps by developing new methods; structure such methods in a transferable methodological framework; and provide evidence on the benefits of adopting such framework in medium- and large-size urban setting. |