Development of Risk-Based Protocol for KDOT Construction Inspection: An Assessment
Development of Risk-Based Protocol for KDOT Construction Inspection: An Assessment
The overarching research objective of this study is to develop a risk-based protocol for KDOT to optimize resource allocation for inspection of transportation construction projects. The proposed protocol will provide KDOT with a list of prioritized key inspection items and construction activities that drive the long-term project performance. This prioritized list will help KDOT project and program managers effectively and efficiently allocate their limited resources while mitigating risk impact. The sub-objectives include: Conducting a comprehensive review of existing material quality assurance (QA) program literature, with a particular focus on the FHWA manual and specification and the KDOT current inspection practices. Developing a core list of inspection items associated with construction processes; Evaluating the current inspection practices of KDOT corresponding to the core list of inspection items through survey questionnaires and interviewing KDOT experts; Conducting risk assessment and prioritizing inspection activities to facilitate efficient allocation of available resources; and Documenting the results of this research in a concise and comprehensive research report.