Evaluation and Update of Guardrail Rating Program
项目名称: Evaluation and Update of Guardrail Rating Program
摘要: KYTC�s Division of Maintenance is responsible for managing identification and prioritization of roadway locations in need of guardrails. The current system for rating the need for guardrail installation (Guardrail Rating Program) was updated in 2009, but crash/accident data elements are not consistent with currently acceptable methodologies incorporated into the Highway Safety Manual (HSM). Specifically, the Accident Rate element of the rating system, which is based on critical numbers of crashes and critical rate, should be replaced with the more statistically reliable Potential for Crash Reduction factor, which can be determined based on HSM methodologies. In addition, the overall rating system should be reviewed to determine if the rating elements are appropriately weighted and data input can depend less on the experience of district personnel completing the rating forms. In some cases, the level of experience and subjectivity of those inputting data has resulted in the overall process being inconsistent.
状态: Completed
资金: 100000
资助组织: Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
执行机构: University of Kentucky, Lexington
主要研究人员: Howell, Brian
开始时间: 20180701
预计完成日期: 20190630
实际结束时间: 20190901