摘要: |
The long-term goal of this project is to create an online CSCRS centralized data clearinghouse for bicycle and pedestrian safety-related data as a national resource for safety researchers. This project is the first phase, with a focus on data needed to study safety of facilities for cycling and walking, specifically data needed to create crash modification factors (CMFs) for biking and walking as part of an HSRC Pooled Fund Project and the Caltrans �Development of Crash Reduction Factors (CRFs) for Bicycle-Related Safety Countermeasures.�
Below are steps in the process of creating a framework for the future data clearinghouse.
Task 1: Determine bike and pedestrian safety analysis research needs especially the needs of those whose studies produce Crash Modification Factors.
Task 2: Inventory existing online databases.
Task 3: Rate the data available for completeness, geographic extent, accessibility, accuracy, quality, time period, and ability to be linked with other databases through spatial or other key terms.
Task 4: Map the databases in a common organizational system including showing which are more stand-alone resources, and which better relate to each other.
Task 5: Identify gaps: In Task 1 the team studied the needs of bicycle and pedestrian safety researchers, especially the needs of those whose studies produce CMFs. In Task 5, the team will answer the questions: (1) To what extent are those needs being filled? (2) What are the needs are not being addressed? (3) What are the top priority data needs?
Task 6: In this task the team will create a prioritized framework for the CSCRS online pedestrian and bicycle data resource clearinghouse. The framework will include a set of essential elements and describe a phased approach to building a more robust data resource to support CSCRS research needs as well as those of the safety analysis community.
Task 7: Create a pilot online dataset and resource webpage. Based on the framework developed in Task 6, create a pilot project for one of the high priority datasets. The exact scope of this pilot will be defined in the previous tasks based on which datasets are highest priority and available. At a minimum the pilot dataset will be made available online. This task will also include the creation of a resources webpage listing the datasets mapped in this research project and linking to those online resources. |