Strategies for Prioritizing Needs for Accelerated Construction after Hazard Events
项目名称: Strategies for Prioritizing Needs for Accelerated Construction after Hazard Events
摘要: There is a need for rapid and responsive infrastructure repair and construction after natural disaster events such as hurricanes, wildfires, and tornadoes. These natural disasters often shut down basic infrastructure systems, including roads, bridges, water supply, and power supply, as experienced recently in several states around the country. These infrastructure systems are critical systems which the public relies on, and it is important that these systems become operational again as soon as possible. Accelerated construction practices are often used in these situations to speed up the traditional, and often slow, project delivery process. However, after a natural disaster, several and different types of transportation infrastructure components are in need of inspection, rehabilitation or reconstruction, and transportation agencies are challenged with the task of prioritizing these accelerated projects. Even though the current body of knowledge has investigated accelerated construction and post-disaster project prioritization for transportation infrastructure, the studies do not overlap between accelerated construction, emergency operations, and prioritization of infrastructure projects at a programmatic level for post-disaster recovery. Also, prior studies have not focused on a diverse portfolio of projects and have mostly concentrated on projects with similar characteristics. There is a need for further research and guidance to assist state DOTs in identifying and prioritizing needs for accelerated construction after hazard events. This study will investigate current practices and institutional barriers to identify and quantify important decision criteria and to develop a decision support tool for prioritizing needs for accelerated construction after disaster events, specifically hurricanes and flooding which commonly affect Region 6.
状态: Completed
资金: 160,000
资助组织: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
管理组织: Transportation Consortium of South-Central States
项目负责人: Bogus, Susan
执行机构: Louisiana State University and A&M College
主要研究人员: Wang, Chao
开始时间: 20180315
预计完成日期: 20190915
实际结束时间: 20190915