项目名称: | Examining the Implications of Legislation and Enforcement on Electronic Device Use While Driving |
摘要: | The objectives of this research are to (1) examine the essential components of current state and provincial legislation (e.g., language, penalties, sanctions) used to address distracted driving while using electronic devices; (2) evaluate the benefits and impediments associated with enacting, enforcing, and adjudicating texting and hands-free legislation; and (3) develop model legislation to deter distracted driving while using electronic devices. |
状态: | Active |
资金: | 250000 |
资助组织: | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration |
项目负责人: | Rogers, William C |
执行机构: | Westat, Incorporated |
主要研究人员: | De Leonardis, Doreen |
开始时间: | 20180313 |
预计完成日期: | 20200403 |
实际结束时间: | 0 |