Creative Utilization of Urban Roadway Facilities with Predictive Safety Assessment Tool � Phase 1
项目名称: Creative Utilization of Urban Roadway Facilities with Predictive Safety Assessment Tool � Phase 1
摘要: Preservation and creative utilization of existing infrastructure and facilities in urban areas play a significant role for transportation system users from the negative externalities. The responsibilities of safety professionals, transportation planners, and decision makers are critical for safe and efficient transportation in the ever-increasing travel demand in urban areas. The purpose of this project is to develop a quantitative safety assessment tool of converting one urban roadway facility type to another with the application of predictive methodology and principles in the Highway Safety Manual (HSM). This tool is expected to help safety professionals, transportation planners, and decision-makers to evaluate safety effects considering the local conditions to make appropriate decisions in the planning process from the traffic safety standpoint. As a Phase 1 study, this project will focus on developing a proof-of-concept framework of this safety assessment tool for converting one facility to another with improvements to specific geometric elements in urban settings. By considering the traffic exposure, existing geometric conditions, and unit length of corridor (i.e., 1-mile of corridor length), this tool enables the users to evaluate existing and proposed facilities from the outcome of the analysis in the form of predicted crash frequency and the distributions of collision types by injury severity levels. Future phases will focus on integration of sensitivity analysis of different scenarios, local calibration factors (specific to Florida) for different facilities, and analysis on cost effectiveness of different safety improvements.
状态: Completed
资金: $45000
资助组织: Center for Transportation Equity, Decisions & Dollars (CTEDD)
管理组织: Center for Transportation Equity, Decisions & Dollars (CTEDD)
执行机构: University of South Florida, Tampa
主要研究人员: Islam, Mouyid
开始时间: 20180201
预计完成日期: 20190131
实际结束时间: 0