Future Projections of Precipitation for Alaska Infrastructure
项目名称: Future Projections of Precipitation for Alaska Infrastructure
摘要: Projected precipitation data are needed to design hydraulic structures, such as bridges and culverts, which must function effectively over timespans of decades or centuries. The effects of structural failure can be costly in terms of remediation and repair, or catastrophic in terms of human health and safety. The project will acquire downscaled, model bias-corrected projected precipitation for all of Alaska so the data can be used by all DOT&PF projects. The data is expected to be transmitted in a report that documents and justifies the analysis procedure. The information will be used for a wide variety of calculations and hence it is needed for numerous return intervals and durations that will be provided later. DOT&PF hydraulic infrastructure has design lives that range from a few years to 75 years. Therefore, the projected precipitation data are needed for every decade to the year 2100.
状态: Active
资助组织: Federal Highway Administration
管理组织: Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
执行机构: Alaska University Transportation Center
开始时间: 20180101
预计完成日期: 20211231
实际结束时间: 0