Is Seal Coating Counterproductive or Not?
项目名称: Is Seal Coating Counterproductive or Not?
摘要: A hypothesis proposed that premature stripping of asphalt pavement under chip seals is caused by the high air void pavement, which allows water to intrude and spread, and the low surface breathability, which traps water in the asphalt pavement. This research will investigate this problem through literature review, field data collection, and lab testing. The lab tests include permeability and surface breathability tests, effect of air voids on moisture susceptibility, and effect of seal coating on moisture susceptibility. The objectives of this research are to 1) find out the causes of premature stripping of street asphalt pavement under seal coats; 2) investigate possible solutions to address pavement stripping under seal coats; 3) provide recommendations for the preservative strategies of street pavements in Minnesota.
状态: Completed
资金: 14,923
资助组织: Local Road Research Board
管理组织: Minnesota Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Holdhusen, Bruce
执行机构: American Engineering Testing
主要研究人员: Arman, Brian
开始时间: 20171102
预计完成日期: 20190228
实际结束时间: 0