Beyond Political Boundaries: Constructing Network Models for Megaregion
项目名称: Beyond Political Boundaries: Constructing Network Models for Megaregion
摘要: Megaregions are defined by economic and infrastructure connections, which often transcend state borders and other political boundaries. However, current transportation network models are developed primarily by metropolitan planning organizations (typically focusing on a single metropolitan area) or by state departments of transportation (who develop statewide models), and as a result current network models are ill-suited for megaregional planning. The objective of this project is to explore how to build networks which are suitable for long-range planning in megaregions, and how to solve them efficiently given their large size and high degree of interconnection. The project will use the traffic assignment problem as a concrete basis for quantitatively investigating how networks should be constructed for megaregions. The research team will leverage DSTAP, a recently-developed framework for �decentralizing� network assignment problems, which has promise for efficiently solving traffic assignment on networks with a good deal of structure or hierarchy, as with cities in a megaregion. Anticipated outcomes of the project are a quantitative comparison of methods for developing large, multi-city networks, and partitioning schemes for efficient and accurate solution.
状态: Completed
资金: 41481
资助组织: University Transportation Centers Program
管理组织: University Transportation Centers Program
项目负责人: Stearns, Amy
执行机构: Cooperative Mobility for Competitive Megaregions (CM2)
主要研究人员: Boyles, Stephen
开始时间: 20171101
预计完成日期: 20181130
实际结束时间: 0