Idaho Statewide Freight Data and Commodity Supply Chain Analysis
项目名称: Idaho Statewide Freight Data and Commodity Supply Chain Analysis
摘要: This project will develop information on freight and commodity flows through the state of Idaho and to provide detailed analysis for major supply chains supporting the state's freight economy that can be used for freight planning and project prioritization. The objectives of this project are to 1) identify existing freight data sources that can be leveraged in order to develop a cost-effective freight data collection plan, 2) develop a freight data collection p1an that provides adequate geographical and seasonal data on freight movements throughout the state of Idaho, 3) implement that freight data collection plan, and analyze collected data in order to identify key freight supply-chains within the state.
状态: Completed
资金: 186000
资助组织: Idaho Transportation Department
项目负责人: Marker, Jeffery
主要研究人员: Jessup, Eric
开始时间: 20171001
预计完成日期: 20190331
实际结束时间: 0