2306 - Continuous Friction Measurement Equipment (CFME) for Highway Safety Management in Oklahoma
项目名称: 2306 - Continuous Friction Measurement Equipment (CFME) for Highway Safety Management in Oklahoma
摘要: Since pavement frictional properties play a significant role in road safety, it is important to establish Pavement Friction Management (PFM) programs. The aim of this program is to monitor the friction of their pavement networks and to minimize friction-related vehicle crashes by ensuring adequate friction properties throughout the pavement life. The Grip Tester is a Continuous Friction Measurement Equipment (CFME) that continuously measures the longitudinal friction along the wheel path and operates at a fixed slip ratio using user pre-defined water film thickness. Currently used locked-wheel trailers collect historical data that does not correspond with friction measurements from CFME. Although CFME provides information with greater detail about spatial variability of pavement friction, processing the large amount of data may be cumbersome and time consuming due to the lack of available practical software for roadway applications. Therefore, research is needed to understand the various factors that affect the CFME measurements. Objectives: The main objective of this study is to evaluate the capabilities of the Grip Tester, one type of CFME device, and its ability to provide information useful for supporting PFM programs. Skid resistance of pavement plays a significant role in road safety and has been studied extensively in the last decade. Work Plan: For the first 12 months, identify experimental testing sites for the implementation of CFME. For the second 12 months, perform a comprehensive evaluation of CFME Grip Tester friction measurements. Develop a software program that allows users to view and analyze CFME pavement friction profiles. Propose a pavement friction management program. Anticipated Benefits: CFME based technology allows network screening to identify locations with low friction or vulnerable accident sites and to determine safety impacts of design changes and effects of engineering treatments. CFME based technology contributes to the development of enhanced safety performance function to better predict crash rate and the potential establishment of pavement friction management programs in Oklahoma by providing an objective method for the equipment users to compare and process their friction measurements. Implementation: This project evaluates different operational characteristics of CFME to provide guidance for the potential use of CFME technology for supporting friction management programs in Oklahoma. Implementing Grip Tester technology has the potential of improving highway safety by preventing accidents and saving lives. Expected Deliverables: This project will provide ODOT with comprehensive: � Monthly Progress Reports � Year-end Annual Report (including specification changes as needed) � Copies of the project Final Report in Microsoft Word and ADA accessible Adobe Acrobat pdf electronic formats
状态: Completed
资金: 85793
资助组织: Oklahoma Department of Transportation
管理组织: Oklahoma Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Friedrich, Aaron
执行机构: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
主要研究人员: Li, Joshua
开始时间: 20171001
预计完成日期: 20180930
实际结束时间: 20190930