Career Pathways for Transportation Sector Climate Adaption Professionals
项目名称: Career Pathways for Transportation Sector Climate Adaption Professionals
摘要: Climate adaptation is receiving increased emphasis in transportation agencies at all levels, creating a growing demand for skilled adaptation professionals. As an emerging field (involving allocation of limited resources while balancing climatological uncertainties, infrastructure vulnerability, system level criticality, and social equity) the pathways for developing the skills and competencies required for climate adaptation careers are not well established. Through surveys and interviews with current adaptation professionals, this project will document key skill profiles and competency sets needed for a career in transportation sector climate adaptation, as well as the educational and training opportunities available for developing these proficiencies. Special emphasis is placed on identifying skills that are not well incorporated into current curricula or training programs. A preliminary set of Competency Models and Career Pathway tools will be developed, identifying knowledge, skills, and competencies required to succeed in transportation sector climate adaptation positions and provide career lattices illustrating to the experience needed to advance in this area. The results of this project will inform how agencies develop job descriptions, conduct recruitment, and develop and allocate internal training resources, as well as the education and training sought by established and aspiring adaptation professionals.
状态: Active
资金: 39000
资助组织: National Center for Sustainable Transportation
管理组织: National Center for Sustainable Transportation
执行机构: University of Vermont Transportation Research Center
主要研究人员: McRae, Glenn
开始时间: 20171001
预计完成日期: 20200930
实际结束时间: 0