摘要: |
One way to examine motorist, pedestrian, and bicylist behavior and interactions
is by focusing on the number of crashes that occur between non-motorists and motor vehicles as more pedestrians and bicyclists enter the roadway system. Some of these studies have concluded that motorists may change their behavior when more pedestrians and bicyclists are present resulting in fewer crashes involving non-motorists.This concept, known as Safety in Numbers (SIN), has been used to make planning and policy decisions. However, it has recently received scrutiny and calls for caution based on weak empirical evidence supporting the claim. As such, the goal of this project is to examine the impact SIN has on crash rates, and if possible conflicts, from both a literature as well as a programmatic perspective. The study entails a comprehensive and objective literature review of the concept of SIN regarding pedestrians, bicyclists, and motor vehicle crashes and will produce a final literature review report that critically synthesizes the findings. This project may also involve a program scan to determine what approaches various entities are using to increase walking and biking among their constituents and to evaluate the effectiveness of these approaches for changing behavior and crash rates. Finally, the project may conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of up to nine participating programs to change walking and biking behavior and crash rates as well as injury severity. |