摘要: |
The current payment adjustment factors for asphalt mixes used by TxDOT awards bonuses to the contractors based on the average of the in-place voids. This practice can potentially create a scenario where the contractors can deliver inconsistent quality but still receive a bonus because of the average performance. This project will evaluate the use of percent within limits (PWL) that incorporates variability as the payment adjustment factor for asphalt mixes. The researcher team will assess the practices for PWL adopted by other states and then compile data from various Receiving Agency databases (SiteManager, DCIS, and PMIS) to assess the overall relationship between payment adjustment factors and performance of pavements and cost of maintenance. The researcher team will develop at least two alternative models. Finally, the researcher team will use the existing data with the proposed alternatives to identify the cost benefit to the agency using each model as well as trends in terms of contractors or conditions that can contribute to poor performance and/or higher variability based on the new alternatives. After synthesizing the results in an implementation-friendly format, the researcher team will provide a detailed analysis to help TxDOT justify transition to the new proposed system. |