Reliability-Based Geotechnical Resistance Factors for Axially-Loaded Micropiles
项目名称: Reliability-Based Geotechnical Resistance Factors for Axially-Loaded Micropiles
摘要: Micropile foundations consist of small-diameter (typically less than 12 inches) drilled and grouted non-displacement, reinforced elements. Such foundations can be constructed in situations of low-headroom, restricted-access, obstructions, and vibration-sensitive sites. However, current micropile foundation design does not incorporate rational reliability-based geotechnical resistance factors, and many state departments of transportation do not have sufficient data or resources to do such calibrations. There is a need to identify the parameters that influence the resistance factors for micropile foundations and develop reliability-based geotechnical resistance factors and specifications that can be used for various design and construction methods. These factors and accompanying specifications should provide an increased level of confidence in the design and help highway agencies in making decisions regarding the use of micropile foundations. The objective of this research is to develop reliability-based geotechnical resistance factors for axially-loaded micropiles and related specifications.
状态: Active
资金: 249998
资助组织: Federal Highway Administration
项目负责人: Amir, Hanna N
执行机构: University of Missouri, Columbia
主要研究人员: Loehr, J Erik
开始时间: 20170901
预计完成日期: 20200430
实际结束时间: 0