Development of Automated Pavement Condition Score and Decision Tree Logic
项目名称: Development of Automated Pavement Condition Score and Decision Tree Logic
摘要: The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) rates pavements annually using the pavement condition rating (PCR) system developed for ODOT in the mid 1980's. The PCR is used in the pavement management decision tree logic, and over 30 years of historic PCR data was used to develop performance prediction equations. This detailed and long history has provided ODOT with the ability to have a complex and detailed pavement management system to assist with decision-making across the state. ODOT started exploring the transition from manual to automated pavement distress collection with a research project completed in 2013. The research identified limitations with the ability to mirror the manual distress collection by ODOT. After the project concluded, ODOT outfitted a state-owned Pathway data collection van with the 3D equipment needed to collect the downward images used in automated distress classification. This data is collected statewide on a two year cycle with data available back to the 2014 collection season. Due to the inability of the automated distress collection to generate the PCR, a transition to automated distress collection requires the development and creation of a new pavement condition score (PCS). Along with this new condition score and distress classification, new decision tree logic will also need to be developed in order to incorporate the PCS into the pavement management system. The goal of this research is to enable ODOT's Office of Pavement Engineering (OPE) to transition from a manually collected pavement condition based management system to a new and equally robust automated pavement condition based management system.
状态: Active
资金: 449901
资助组织: Federal Highway Administration
管理组织: Ohio Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Nye, Kelly
执行机构: ARA Associates
主要研究人员: Stefanski, Joseph A
开始时间: 20170828
预计完成日期: 20220228
实际结束时间: 0