摘要: |
To cope with the large volumes of demand on such services in general, and especially for customers with disabilities, this project proposes a new decentralized dispatching and charging framework for Autonomous Electric Mobility-on-Demand (AEMoD) services, which divides cities into small zones as depicted in Figure 1. Zone sizes will be chosen small enough for the allocated vehicles to customers to reach their positions within bounded delays. Each zone will be managed by a fog controller, which will can efficiently collect information about customer demands, vehicle state-of-charge, and their disability-friendliness in its zone. Given this information, it will make optimized dispatching and charging decisions for these vehicles in a timely manner. The proposed framework will leverage both the IoT and fog computing/analytics/control technologies to provide fast AEMoD services to the targeted city customers. To achieve this goal, this project aims to fulfill two main objectives: (1) Develop rigorous mathematical models to formulate, analyze and solve the IoT and fog enabled joint AEMoD dispatching and charging problems to satisfy different system, battery-level, user-conditions and quality of experience criteria. (2) Conduct a needs assessment with individuals with disabilities to identify the features that guarantee the suitability of the proposed solutions for their needs and maximize their acceptance of such solutions. |