Evaluation of Transit Priority Treatments in Tennessee
项目名称: Evaluation of Transit Priority Treatments in Tennessee
摘要: Many cities are increasingly implementing transit friendly corridors especially in urban areas. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) corridors are cited to be associated with plentiful benefits to community livability including less environmental impacts and fewer traffic congestions, fewer vehicular accidents and shorter travel times among others when compared to traditional Single Occupant Vehicle (SOV) corridors. This study desires to evaluate through microsimulation the impact of bus priority signals (BPS) and queue jump (QJ) treatments at approximately selected corridors in Nashville with the objective of evaluating how BPS and QJ improve on-time service reliability and bus travel times as part of TOD. This will respond to the problems currently faced in Tennessee and Nashville metropolitan area in general that is experiencing worsening traffic congestion and, which is a side effect of s steady population growth. The study findings and recommendations are expected to be used for the development of transit supportive land use guidelines, policies and tools to support Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and corridor development.
状态: Completed
资金: 96307
资助组织: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
管理组织: Western Michigan University
项目负责人: Dunn, Denise E
执行机构: Transportation Research Center for Livable Communities
主要研究人员: Chimba, Deo
开始时间: 20170815
预计完成日期: 20190630
实际结束时间: 20190630