Guidelines for Left Turn Signal Phasing Options by Time of Day: A Safety and Operational Study
项目名称: Guidelines for Left Turn Signal Phasing Options by Time of Day: A Safety and Operational Study
摘要: North Carolina has adopted the use of flashing yellow arrows (FYA) in many intersections across the state as a means of providing protected/permissive left turns while minimizing driver confusion that can accompany the operation. In 2014, North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) completed a study to develop crash modification factors (CMF) associated with the conversion of left turn protection at intersections to FYA. Since that study, additional information has become available including data regarding FYA at dual left turn lanes. This project plans to use that additional data to refine the CMFs developed by the department, in addition to answering new safety questions regarding FYA. In addition to this safety work, the project intends to develop guidelines for the implementation of permissive left turn phasing by time of day. Currently, for an intersection that has no safety restrictions (due to sight distance, opposing traffic speeds, etc.), the decision for implementing protected or permissive left turn phasing is based solely on vehicle volumes. When the only volumes available are for the peak period, it can be challenging to determine whether protected phasing should be extended to non-peak hours. Through the use of continuous count stations and spot intersection turning movement counts, the research team will develop methods to assist engineers in extrapolating the volumes for non-peak hours. From these volumes, guidelines will be developed to quantify the delay savings which can be expected by all users of the intersection if permissive phasing was implemented in off-peak hours. To assist in ensuring the guidelines are understandable and implementable by NCDOT staff, draft guidelines will be provided to select engineers along with sample data for a number of intersections. Engineers will be asked to follow the guidance and select a phasing plan for the left turn movements in question. The research team will use this feedback to improve the guidance.
状态: Active
资金: $210,317
资助组织: North Carolina Department of Transportation
管理组织: North Carolina Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Penny, Lisa E.
执行机构: North Carolina State University, Raleigh
主要研究人员: Cunningham, Christopher M.
开始时间: 20170801
预计完成日期: 20200930
实际结束时间: 0