Enhancing School Zone and School Bus Safety
项目名称: Enhancing School Zone and School Bus Safety
摘要: Traffic crashes involving school-age children are a serious safety concern, as there has been an increase in the number of school-age pedestrians and cyclists injured and killed throughout the years. This project will propose to investigate two aspects of crashes involving school-age children: school zone safety and school bus safety. This project will answer the following three major research questions: 1) What is the best countermeasure(s) to maximize drivers� speed limit compliance rate at school zones? 2) What are the optimal roadway environment to increase traffic safety at school zones? and 3) What are the better school bus designs to improve driving behavior? All of these research questions are related to Federal initiatives. For example, one of the important goals of the Moving Ahead for Progress for the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) is to achieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads. Likewise, Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) emphasizes the issue of school-age children�s traffic safety. The team has extensive experience in highway safety, traffic operations, and infrastructure management, including analyzing and evaluating projects related to school zone safety issues. The proposed research project enhances the team�s current work on using driving simulators to analyze driver responses to changes in infrastructure configuration, school zone speed limits, and roadway signage.
状态: Completed
资金: 138469
资助组织: Research and Innovative Technology Administration
管理组织: University of Iowa, Iowa City
执行机构: University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
主要研究人员: Valdes, Didier M
开始时间: 20170801
预计完成日期: 20190731
实际结束时间: 0